This is Saffron’s 2021 Raw Fleece. Saffron is a purebred finnsheep that was coated/ jacketed most of the year. Her fleece is very low on VM (vegetable matter- hay, straw, grass from the pasture). I get a little ruthless about skirting and removing all wool that has VM in it so you are only getting nice wool with Point of View farm fleeces. I hand pick over every fleece at least twice (once at shearing and then at a later date when I can spend up to an hour preparing them for sale or show). It weighs 3 pounds 14.5 ounces.
Raw fleece means it has not been washed yet so it will smell like a sheep and need washing either before or after spinning. The fleece was carefully and professionally shorn off Saffron in a single piece New Zealand style by a shearer who takes pride in his work (and knows what he is doing). This shearer has shorn award winning fleeces at Rhinebeck and Maryland Fleece show and sales for many years for our farm and others. This fleece is a full years growth of wool from Saffron.
Saffron was born at Point of View Farm in 2017. As she has aged her fleece is starting to silver and lighten. She one of the very few silver brown finnsheep sheep. There are not a lot of silver brown finnsheep that I know about. Her fleece is not as uniform as I might like however her coloring and mothering ability is very special. Great length and color on this fleece.
Finnsheep fleece takes dye like a dream and would also blend beautifully with other wools where you want to add luster and drape. I have over-dyed Saffron’s fleece in autumn colors in the past and it is really stunning.
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