We welcome visitors who want to learn what we do at the farm and meet the Point of View Farm heritage Finnsheep flock.
Tours are by advance appointment only.
Our farm tours are led by Sten and CaraLeigh Wilson. They are educational in nature and usually average 1.5 hours long. You will be able to see the sheep/ lambs and discover insights into the process of raising sheep and also specifically about our heritage breed here, Finnsheep. It is lots of fun and no questions are off limits. We are here to help you know all about shepherding.
We will show you how to sort wool, how wool is made into yarn with a spinning wheel and other products for fun, artful and practical uses. You will get a sample of wool to take home with you. We tailor these tours to your interests so please let us know what interests you most.
Most of the tour occurs in and around the main barn complex. Tours are held rain or shine, except for extreme conditions so please dress appropriately. As we are a biosecure facility (for the health of the flock), we ask that you wear clothing, including footwear, that has not been worn to other farms or has been well laundered. You may be asked to step your shoes in disinfectant, wear shoe covers and/ or use hand sanitizer. These biosecurity practices help minimize the of disease being introduced to our flock.
You may purchase items directly from the on site farm shop such as wool socks, hand knit sweaters, wool comforters, farm yarns, handmade sheep milk soaps and machine washable sheepskins and rugs. Also available are individual cuts of lamb bred, born and raised with love and care right here on the farm.
2022 Farm Tour season opens May 15. We may be able to accommodate your visit earlier depending on the farm schedule. Just give us a call to see if we are available on your chosen day. We schedule tours all days of the week.
$100 for up to 4 people/ children
$25 each additional person/ child
Advance appointment only, no walk-ins. Please no exceptions. We schedule tours so we can give guests our undivided attention for a rewarding experience.
Please have your credit card ready to place your reservation when you contact us for an appointment time. Tour fees are not refundable.
Finnsheep – Point of View Farm
Phone: (845)868-4140
or email: [email protected]
Please no dogs and no open-toed shoes or flip flops at the farm.