This is Lauren’s 2022 Raw Fleece. Lauren is a purebred finnsheep lamb that was coated/ jacketed much of the year. Very low on VM (vegetable matter- hay, straw, grass from the pasture). I skirted it myself. I’m a hand spinner as well as a shepherd. I dislike VM as much as the next spinner…in fact, maybe more so. I get a little ruthless about skirting and removing all wool that has VM in it so you are only getting nice wool with Point of View Farm fleeces. To that end this fleece had the entire spine area removed. At that is the ‘top’ of the sheep if there is going to be VM, it will be there. That area was highest vm so I pulled it out and my notes indicate there is now almost no vm remaining (that’s good for you and for my self declared ruthless skirter title). Her fleece still weighs 2 pounds 9.1 ounces. A very nice weight for a heavily skirted lamb fleece.
Raw fleece means it has not been washed yet so it will smell like a sheep and need washing either before or after spinning. The fleece was carefully and professionally shorn off Charlotte New Zealand style (in a single piece) by a shearer who takes pride in his work, is careful, gentle and knows what he is doing. This shearer has shorn award winning fleeces at Rhinebeck and Maryland Fleece show and sales for many years for our farm and others. He has been shearing sheep for decades and is a good friend too.
Lauren was born at Point of View Farm in 2021. This is a gorgeous finnsheep fleece that falls within the breed standard for staple length, crimps per inch and micron (it is not lab tested however, I’m a wool classer so I have some experience here). Lauren is a black badgerface which gives her fleece a variegated grey color. The lock samples are taken across the fleece. In her case, I took samples from different areas I saw on the skirting table. The lock samples represent various areas and wool types within the fleece from shoulder to hip. Lamb fleeces, in general, are the softest finest fleece a sheep will grow their entire lives. Beautiful dark variegated grey coloring.
Finnsheep fleece takes dye like a dream and would also blend beautifully with other wools where you want to add luster and drape. It is also known to felt quite nicely so be careful washing.
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